Tuesday, October 16, 2012



What plans do you have for your kids this coming year end holiday?
Do something different.
Enrol your child for a time of fun, games & learning at this creative holiday program!

Call Pastor Judy at 012-376 0560 for more information or to register.

Click on pictures below to see enlarged format.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Mid-Autumn 2012 Celebration

This year we celebrated mid-autumn festival on Saturday 22 September, 2012.  The celebration started with a medley of songs that everyone sang and clapped along to. There were competitions and we were entertained to dancing by a Kung Fu Fan Group and  a Tambourine Group.

It was interesting to hear the sound whenever the KUNG FU dancers flipped open the fans.   I remember I was chatting with a friend while the group practiced their dance. Suddenly we heard an explosion & I wondered what had blown up! Only then did I realise the 'explosive' sound that can be generated by a chorus of simple fans. It was my first exposure to such a dance.

We tapped along to the upbeat music used by the TAMBOURINE Dance group.  We could see the dancers enjoying themselves and singing along to the music. Even the children were seen waving their balloons and dancing to the music.

For the 1st time, we had a MOON CAKE EATING competition! No, it's not how many moon cakes you can eat in 2 minutes. It's how much time you need to finish eating a moon cake. I can honestly say - it's not easy to gulp down a moon cake. I was so scared the contestants would choke themselves! Don't worry. Everyone was safe and sound.

We had the all time favourite competition - CUTTING A POMELO.  I can say it needs strength and skill to cut open a pomelo and  split the slices. I was truly amazed at how the CHAMPION completed the task with such speed and ease. Hats off to her!

The evening ended with a potpourri of scrumptious food and lighting up lanterns for the LANTERN WALK!

CLICK HERE to view some of the photos taken during the night.

If this sounds interesting to you & you wished you were here, well....watch out for 2013!
Don't just wish....make it happen! Join us!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Mid-Autumn Celebration Coming Up in September 22, 2012

This year's Mid-Autumn celebration is scheduled on September 22, 2012 (Saturday) at 8.00 PM. We welcome the community of Putra Heights and friends all around to come out and join us for another night of fun and celebration. Games, dances, contests, and a lantern walk will be the highlights…

Last Year's Mid-Autum celebration.......
On September 11, 2011 from 6.00 PM to 9.00 PM PUTRA HEIGHTS COMMUNITY CENTRE organized the Mid-Autumn celebration at its premise 37-1 Jalan Putra Mahkota 7/6C, Putra Heights, 47650 Selangor. 

A turnout of about 100 people (children and adults) came from the community of Putra Heights and beyond, for this celebration. The night’s event started out with an ice breaker where the people danced to a song. This was followed by a pomelo cutting contest

The highlight of the night was the performance by a Face Mask Changing Master who impressed the audience with his swift mask changing act. Many from the crowd enthusiastically posed for photographs with the Master. A young boy from the Putra Heights community gave an impressive yoyo demonstration

There were games for the young children who eagerly waited for their turn to play. We were also entertained to a delightful rendition of music by a team of harmonica players. Some 30 children later participated in a 30-minute lantern walk around the shops before they returned for some refreshments. Many stayed on to enjoy the moon cakes, pomelo and local delicacies that were served.

It was truly another amazing Mid-Autumn celebration!

Click here to view some photos of 2011 Mid-Autumn celebration.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Events for 2012

For more information, contact Ms Judy, 012 376 0560.

BLOOD DONATION on 23 June, 2012
For more information, contact Mr Andy, 016 221 2792.