In an effort to better serve the Putra Heights community, PHCC is pleased to bring you a Blood Donation Drive this coming 27th of October 2007. While giving the gift of life to help those in need, there will also be health talks and screening such as Hepatitis checks at a minimal fee, urine, glucose and blood pressure test as well as free flu vaccination for the first 100 persons on first come first serve basis. In addition, light refreshments will be served too.

If you are wondering whether you are eligible to donate blood, here’s a general guideline for your reference:
+ You are in good health on the day of blood-donation
+ You are between 18 - 60 years of age
+ You weigh 45kg and above
+ You had more than 5 hours of sleep
+ You are free from any medical problems: e.g. high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, etc.
+ You have not taken any antibiotics in the last 1 week and panadol for 1 day; for other medication, please refer to the doctor during the blood donation drive
+ You have not taken any alcoholic drinks in the last 24 hours
+ For woman donor, kindly ensure you are not pregnant or had a delivery recently, not having menstrual or is breastfeeding
+ You have taken breakfast or light meals before donating blood
+ You are not involved in any of these following activities:
- Drug abuse
- Homosexual relationship
- Bisexual relationship
- Multiple sexual partners
+ Interval between your last donations is more than 3 months
+ You have taken breakfast or light meals before donating blood
+ You are not involved in any of these following activities:
- Drug abuse
- Homosexual relationship
- Bisexual relationship
- Multiple sexual partners
+ Interval between your last donations is more than 3 months
DO NOT donate if you:
+ Had stayed in United Kingdom (England, Northen, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Isle of man or Channel Island) or Republic of Ireland from year 1980 to 1996 for a duration of 6 months or more
+ Had stayed in Europe from year 1980 till to date for a duration of 6 months or more
You can register your attendance by clicking on the register button (all information provided will be confidential and not publicly shown), or email us at

We look forward to your support for this drive! Feel free to bring your family members, relatives, or friends!
See you there!
The gap between the blood donation picture and the sentence 'Click on picture to enlarge' is very far apartment. Put the gap smaller. This applies to both pictures.
My comment is posted in the side without your approval. You need to change that.
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