SJAG members took to the streets of the residential estate on two consecutive Sunday evenings leading to collection day on July 14 to hand out leaflets on the project to the community. The effort was well-rewarded.
On THE day, some 40 SJAG members and 11 vehicles, divided into several groups, combed most phases of Putra Heights. Even the apartments were not spared. It was an experience for each one – humbling for some, learning for others.
For the few hours that Saturday, each member took on the role of the paper lama man, going from house to house and calling out at the gate “got old newspapers, tin-tin kosong to give?”. At one juncture, one of the groups had to “outrace” the real paper lama man, who was doing his rounds in the area! Literally a “paper-chase”!
Most of the residents were cooperative and responded beyond expectation. Several houses even had their aluminum containers packed in boxes and newspapers bundled, all neatly stacked by the roadside, with the leaflet attached, waiting to be collected. Simply amazing!
The recycling agent just could not believe his eyes when he saw the loads of stuff collected. His 3-tonne lorry was filled to the brim that day, and he had to make another trip the following Monday for the rest of the stuff. In total, the project generated RM1,500!
The beneficiary of the recycling project was the House of Joy in Puchong, a home for abandoned children and destitute elderly. Pastor Francis Yip handed the cheque of RM1,500 to their representatives at SJAG on July 19th 2007. The Home was most appreciative of the contribution and expressed their thanks to the Putra Heights community for their giving.
“Our Hands Touching Your Heart” became a reality that day. THANK YOU, Putra Heights community!!!
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